May Assembly - Exploration

All young-at-heart are invited to "Camp SASV," where we'll sing fun camp songs and hear about adventures at Camp Quest West, a secular summer camp.
Our guest speaker, Dr. Jessica Witchley, alumni staffer at Camp Quest West, will share what's new and tales of recent camp adventures. Come prepared to show off your critical thinking chops in Darwin's 20 Questions, a longtime camp activity that's good for all ages!
Amy Baldwin will be hosting, and the band will lead us through some fun camp songs, including "There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea," "One Bottle of Pop," "If You're Happy and You Know it," "Happy Wanderer," "On Top of Spaghetti," "Spider's Web," and "Happy Trails."
It's also Mother's Day, and we'll have yummy mimosas and a potluck social after Assembly!
Everyone is welcome! Free attendance. Free onsite and street parking. Free childcare. Donations to cover expenses are gratefully accepted.
- Coffee and fellowship: 10:30 to 11:00 am
- Celebration with live music and engaging speakers: 11:00 to 12:00 pm
- Potluck social (feel free to bring something to share!): 12:00 to 1:00 pm