Past Events

December 2024: Winter Solstice

Join us for our Winter Solstice Party! Featuring:
A ceremony for reflecting on our hopes for the new year
Singing popular Christmas and winter songs
Story time and singing for the kids
A potluck dinner. SASV will contribute a main dish. Please bring a dish to share! Put your name down on our signup even if you’re not sure yet what you’ll bring:
A cookie/dessert bar. (Bring some to add if you'd like!)

November 2024: Wheel of Life

What change should you make today to reach more fulfillment in your life? Ross Llewallyn from Sunday Assembly Atlanta invites you to join in an exercise called the Wheel of Life. In this interactive experience, you’ll self-reflect on your well-being in the current moment and glean new insights into areas where you’d benefit from change.

We will share coffee and tea at 10:30 am, celebration at 11:00 am, and potluck at noon. Bring a dish to share!

October 2024: Halloween

pumpkins and Hallowe'en

Let's get in the Halloween spirit while also helping others! Costumes are encouraged for both kids and adults!

We'll be making Halloween craft kits for residents of LifeMoves Mountain View. LifeMoves Mountain View is an interim housing community that offers private housing for families, couples, and single adults experiencing homelessness. LifeMoves also provides case management, educational, and employment services to remove barriers that a family may face in their efforts to return to self-sufficiency.

September 2024: Common Knowledge

Have you asked a chatbot a question? How good do you think the answer was? Member Alex Rudnick can shed some light on the topic, as a software engineer, researcher, and educator in natural language processing. Alex will be discussing the large language models such as ChatGPT that are showing up at an increasing rate across the internet. What's a large language model? And what does it mean for it to be large? What are they good at and not so good at?

We'll also sing along with the band to these songs:

July 2024: Picnic at Cuesta Park

picnic table on grass
The dog ate my text. Then the dog died.
  • Where? Cuesta Park in Mountain View. Enter at the intersection of Nilda Ave and Cuesta Drive.
  • When? The 14th of July. You can start drifting in about 10:00 and will probably have to drift out by 20:00. Yes, I booked for the whole day. It's cheap.
  • What? No alcohol, sorry. There are two small barbecue grills for you charcoal wizards to play with; the rest of us are encouraged to bring, well, almost anything edible. It's rumoured that someone is doing a "stone soup" version of a salad.

March 2024: How's it Goin?


We do things differently at Sunday Assembly. We offer uplifting talks, fun singalongs, and community to all regardless of their beliefs.

If you've been to Sunday Assembly before, what do you like most about it? Are there any things you'd like to see done differently? Are there any ways you'd like to get involved? And how can we help more people in our community find us?

We're going to be exploring those topics at our next Assembly as we also better get to know each other in small group discussions. We hope you'll join us!

February 2024: Listen!

This Assembly will be fun! Our guest speaker is Dan Dugan, CEO of Dan Dugan Sound Design and senior technical advisor to the Nature Sounds Society. Dan does scientific research in the national parks, making longitudinal studies of soundscapes over time. He'll present some sample recordings, talk about how to listen to soundscapes, and why this is important. He'll present some of his recording samples and share some aspects of natural sounds that you may not be aware of.
