Celebrating Men & Boys

Celebrate life with us on June 14th! “Man in Progress – A Conversation on Redefining Manhood and Family.” Our guest speaker will be Lester Deanes, assistant dean at Santa Clara University’s Office of Student Life.

He will explore the transformation of male roles in America and how our society can contribute to supporting healthier men, both individually and within families. At SCU, Deanes’ role is to promote an inclusive campus community. His research focuses on first-year students, men and masculinity, students of color, and first-generation college students. Deanes is co-founder of the university’s Men in Progress program which allows men to explore male identity and manhood.

The reading will feature Cupertino Poet Laureate Jennifer Swanton Brown. Brown is a poet, teacher and board member for California Poets in the Schools. Her poems have been published in multiple local journals, including Caesura and The DMQ Review.

Music - Sing-along with live band. Here is this month's Spotify Playlist and the Youtube Playlist.

Kid's Corner - What Does Your Family Look Like? Children have their own area doing assembly to draw and make crafts based on the monthly theme. This month, we ask them to focus on families and fathers.

Help Often Community Service options for June - a blighted neighborhood cleanup with Downtown Streets Team, gardening for Our City Forest, and stone fruit pitting with Garden to Table.

Orange juice and hot drinks are available at 10:30. After the program, everyone is invited for coffee, tea, and cake

Hungry? Why not walk over to lunch at a lovely patio. Brown bag it or grab something at Happy Dog or The House of Bagels - 284 S. 11th St. (at San Carlos), just two blocks from the SJWC.

For more information about SASV:

Check out our website at: http://sundayassemblysiliconvalley.org/

Like us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/SundayAssemblySV

Follow us on Twitter: @SunAssembly_SV

Parking Information: Disabled parking on-site. For all others: parking at the SJSU garage, entrance on San Fernando at 10th St. (cost is $5), or for free in the neighborhood (most streets are unrestricted on Sundays).