January Assembly - Balance

Sunday Assembly is an inclusive secular community made up of agnostics, atheists, humanists, and believers. Whatever you believe, you are welcome. We come together to celebrate life with inspiring speakers, fun group singing, and connecting over potluck.

This month (Sunday January 12), our guest speaker is Tim Oey. Tim’s household of 4 humans and 3 dogs is down to about a quart of trash a month. He runs ZeroW.org to help people learn how to tread more lightly on our earth and pursue Zero Waste — saving our environment, oceans, climate, money, and lives. https://www.zerow.org/

We will have coffee and tea at 10:30 am, celebration at 11:00 am, and potluck at noon. Bring a dish to share!

Sunday Assembly is free. There is free childcare and free onsite and street parking. Donations and help with setup/cleanup are gratefully accepted.

See you there!