November 2023: 10th Birthday!
Happy 10th birthday, SASV! We'll be celebrating this momentous occasion with a cake!
We'll sing along to some celebratory tunes:
Celebration - Kool & The Gang
Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
Happy - Pharrell Williams
Don't Stop Believin' - Journey
And we will share with each other what we most enjoy about SASV and good SASV memories.
Our guest speakers are Zara McDonald and Alys Granados of Felidae. The Bay Area is home to some amazing wildlife, including mountain lions and bobcats. They'll discuss mountain lion ecology, highlight their current research, and provide tips about how we can coexist with local wild cats.
Post Assembly Potluck (signup sheet: )
Fill your plate and socialize indoors or step outdoors to the side driveway. This is our chance to build friendships, so please join us even if you're unable to bring a dish to share.