August 9 - How Do We Get There From Here?

Sejal H Patel

In the spirit of helping often, Sejal H Patel will speak on The Distance Between Us and Justice.

How far away are we from justice?

That question carries many meanings. We can think about time. How much time it will take before events like wrongful convictions and civil rights violations won't happen anymore? We can think about distance.

Life here in Silicon Valley is geographically far away from places like Selma, Baltimore, and Charleston. We can feel grateful, guilty perhaps but grateful, that what we are reading about in the news is not happening to us. We care about injustice, but we can't do much about it.

Or can we? This talk will explore our proximity to justice - how close we are to it, and what we can do to resist what has been a stubborn undercurrent of our democracy since its inception.

A writer and storyteller as well an an attorney, she has published articles and essays about ethics, democracy, wrongful convictions, the immigrant identity, national security, education, and the arts.

Kids' Corner - Crafts and activities are available for the children in the room adjoining the main hall. Childcare is provided.

Music - Singing together as one is surprisingly good for you, not to mention it feels good, too. Come sing a few pop songs with us – just like you would in the shower. Our song leader Caroline and our singers and musicians will entertain you even if you just sit back and listen.

Food & Drink - We have tea and coffee available at 10:30am. After assembly, we have light snacks, cookies, and beverages. Stay for a little treat and some great company.

Ready for more? Many of us lunch at House of Bagels just two blocks away from the SASV venue.