Past Events

August Assembly - Self-Acceptance

Raji Raman, SASV board member and leader of SASV's Compassionate Listening Smoup, will be sharing her thoughts on the value of self-acceptance and how it relates to compassion. After her introduction, she'll invite us to break into groups and participate in a short listening practice aimed at encouraging self-acceptance.

Also, Amy Baldwin will host, Alicia Bogart will be singing and playing ukulele, and Greg Coladonato will be sharing how he is doing his best.

July Assembly - Compassion

Our speaker, Lisa Blanchard, is the founder and executive director of the Grateful Garment Project, a non-profit that seeks to ensure that no victim of sexual assault ever experiences further suffering due to lack of resources. Sexual assault victims are often asked to give up their clothing as evidence after seeking medical attention and typically leave with nothing but a hospital gown to wear. The Grateful Garment Project provides clothes and other resources that they may need.

June Assembly - Happiness

Our speaker, Linnea Butler, LMFT and founder of the group therapy practice Bay Area Mental Health, is going to be discussing "the things that hold us back from happiness and perspectives on getting unstuck."

Alex Rudnick is going to be our host! Warren Schmidt is doing our reading and Josh Abadie is sharing his Doing Your Best.

Let's have a potluck after Assembly! See our new signup page for main, side, vegetarian, kid-friendly, and dessert dishes. No account or password needed. Please sign-up!

May Assembly - Exploration

All young-at-heart are invited to "Camp SASV," where we'll sing fun camp songs and hear about adventures at Camp Quest West, a secular summer camp.

Our guest speaker, Dr. Jessica Witchley, alumni staffer at Camp Quest West, will share what's new and tales of recent camp adventures. Come prepared to show off your critical thinking chops in Darwin's 20 Questions, a longtime camp activity that's good for all ages!

April Assembly - Rhythm

We're back! Thanks to those that came out for our Spring Break Potluck and Games last month. This month, we return to more of what we love - singable songs and uplifting speakers, poems, and Doing Your Best. Do you remember any songs your teachers taught you in school? I can still sing a preposition song set to Yankee Doodle. (Ask me at Assembly!) Our speaker, Tom McFadden, has taken learning through music to the next level. Come enjoy hearing Tom perform a number for us and tell us about his journey making science rap music videos and inspiring kids to make their own!

March Meeting - Spring Break Potluck & Games

We’re having a Potluck-and-Games Social while making leadership changes! If weather is good, we can play in the park.

This meeting will nurture our social connections and sense of community through sharing food, face-to-face conversations, and fun games. Future Assemblies will continue to feature uplifting singing, inspiring readings, and scintillating speakers.

Sharing a potluck dish—and maybe even a family-friendly game—will help make our Potluck-and-Games Social a booming success!

February Assembly - Inclusion

Sunday Assembly is for everyone. This month's assembly we will tackle inclusion. Our speaker is Esperanza Phoenix–artist, storyteller, comic, and philosopher. Growing up without distinct concepts of race or religion, her story will challenge us to examine our own perceptions and prejudice. We'll be singing some classic songs about love. There will be poetry and stories from the community. Most importantly, there will be you and all of us!

Sunday February 10 at 11am at 890 Church Street in Mountain View

Childcare is provided.

January Sunday Assembly & Community Meeting

Happy New Year! This month’s gathering will be a little bit different. We will still have lots of group singing and inspiration, but we’ll also include some interactive workshops to get your input on the future of Sunday Assembly. After the assembly, we will have sandwiches for lunch. Feel free to bring along some finger food to share.

Hope to see you January 13 at 890 Church Street, Mountain View 94042

Doors open at 10:30am, and assembly kicks off at 11:00am. Everyone is welcome. We provide child care, so bring the family.

November Birthday Assembly - Your Future

What will happen in the 21st century?

We are going to explore the future with Seth Shostak, host of Big Picture Science and senior astronomer at the SETI Institute. Entertaining and thought-provoking, Seth is an SASV favorite guest.

Since we are turning 5, we will be having a full on celebration with food and drink, and of course cake! Sing and dance to live music from RB3 and our house singers and reflect on the past five years of happenings in our community.

The fun kicks off at 11am. Lunch is on us and of course there will be cake.

October Assembly - Remember

Join us October 14 when our theme will be "Remember". As has become our annual custom, we'll be talking about remembering our loved ones.

We'll have a Mexican style Day of the Dead "ofrenda", feel free to bring pictures of those you'd like to remember to place on it. There will be songs, readings, and socializing. Come and help us inspire each other.

Storyteller, comedian, and slam poetry champion Mighty Mike McGee will read for us. Mike is the current Poet Laureate of Santa Clara County and frequently appears on NPR's Snap Judgement.
