
A celebration that has ended.

May Assembly - Dignity

On Sunday May 13, we will be exploring dignity. Lisa J Blanchard, founder of The Grateful Garment Project, will share ways we can return dignity to victims of sexual violence. It is her vision that no victim of sexual assault ever experience further suffering due to lack of resources. Please bring a sports bra (any size) or a pair of flip-flops to donate to the Grateful Garment Project. Read more about their needs here.


April Assembly - Improv Your Life

On Sunday April 8, James Kopp from the Pear Theatre will be center stage to show you how the fundamentals of improv can improve your life. Be more positive and make some change for the better! Guaranteed laughs along the way.

To do your heart good, we'll have pop songs, readings, and socializing. Come and help us inspire each other–to live better, help often, and wonder more.

Sunday, April 8 at 11am (Drop in early for coffee and donuts.)

890 Church Street, Mountain View 94042


February Assembly - Life On Mars?

Life on Mars?
Focus on your life with an uplifting assembly next Sunday. Our guest Dr Lynn Rothschild, an evolutionary biologist/astrobiologist from NASA Aames, will be talking about life just in time for Darwin Day. Did you even know there were astrobiologists? What kind of life is out there waiting for you?

To do your heart good, we'll have pop songs, readings, and socializing. Come and help us inspire each other–to live better, help often, and wonder more.

Sunday, January 14, 11am (Drop in early for coffee and donuts.)

890 Church Street, Mountain View 94042


August 9 - How Do We Get There From Here?

Sejal H Patel

In the spirit of helping often, Sejal H Patel will speak on The Distance Between Us and Justice.

How far away are we from justice?

That question carries many meanings. We can think about time. How much time it will take before events like wrongful convictions and civil rights violations won't happen anymore? We can think about distance.

Life here in Silicon Valley is geographically far away from places like Selma, Baltimore, and Charleston. We can feel grateful, guilty perhaps but grateful, that what we are reading about in the news is not happening to us. We care about injustice, but we can't do much about it.

Or can we? This talk will explore our proximity to justice - how close we are to it, and what we can do to resist what has been a stubborn undercurrent of our democracy since its inception.